Tuesday 25 January 2011

3rd year

Taking a break from the dreaded dissertation I thought I would update this blog!! With all the work handed in I thought it was time to show the end outcomes which were reached! 

1st the Summer project: 

I think that the final outcomes for this project have jumped a massive step from the previous outcome. It is now more calmer with a sleeker look and it reflects Tim Burtons' personality now!! I'm happy with the final outcomes because I think I was a bit lost with where to go but the end products show that I just needed a little push!

2nd Static:

The final outcome for the static project was a fanzine.
"Take a closer look: A fanzine about everyday objects seen in a different light. With the exploration of materials magnified to reflect ‘Static’". Im really happy with how this came out considering that I didn't know what the outcome was going to be!

3rd Mutton Quad / Nalini's:

NALINI’S: An unique Indian family restaurant situated in the Printworks, Manchester. The restaurant opens and closes at a certain time where everyone sits down together, prays and eat together. Nalini’s only serves Indian food which is served on traditional steel dishes and there is no cutlery, you eat with your hands. 
I really enjoyed doing this project because it allowes me to brand a restaurant, and as branding is what I want to do this was a great experience! 

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