Tuesday 11 January 2011


Hello 2011!
Can't believe how quickly the last year has gone! But it's all about the final(ish) push now as my final year at Uni is closely coming to an end!!
So new brief of 2011 was to either choose a brief supplied by D&AD or YCN or create your own brief! I've chosen to go with a YCH brief which focuses on the brand BOOST - the energy drink!
                             'Give this energy brand a Boost; choose your audience, develop a product and packaging, then go to town to promote your product.'
The reason why i've chosen to do a competition brief is because I clearly can not decide on what I want to do! Even choosing this brief was hard! It went from Ted baker -also supplied by YCN and then to the Body Shop which is supplied by D&AD! But I have stuck to this brief and going to go for it!

:) Let get to it!...Work shall hopefully be put up soon!

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