Tuesday 14 December 2010

OWT Creative

Helloo...not been on here for a while so I thought it needed an update!!

Well a few weeks ago three members from OWT Creative, Ben Kither, Jon Hannan and Sarah Stapleton, came in to tell us about thier journey from university to the business world! Considering they graduate from D&AD was vital! It was great to see what can happen if you put your mind to it. It was a very helpful and relaxed presentation which is the total opposite to my presentations!! They gave us some good advice on how to cope with all the uni workloads, different approaches our briefs, how to stay in contact with designers, how vital it is to have designers on your side and how to produce a good portfolio. They are currently studying thier masters.

I think that the way they got together and have started up thier own zine is amazing and inspirational. The great aspect is that they allow other graphic designers to contribute and submit work. I've recently sent work in and hopefully see it in the next issue! Fingers crossed!

But overall I think that the members of OWT have done really well since graduating!! Keep up the great work! :) 

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