Tuesday 14 December 2010

Liverpool Biennial

A few months ago we went to see the Liverpool Biennial. This year's theme was Touched which  presented the work of over 60 artists; around half were commissioned to make new work. 

A biennial has been said to be always a game of hide-and-seek. Where is the art exactly? This year it was almost everywhere – in pubs, public spaces, derelict department stores, between decrepit 19th-century buildings and in five art galleries – A Foundation, the Bluecoat, FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Open Eye Gallery, Tate Liverpool – and several non-gallery sites as well. The event was promised to an immediacy of emotional response.

Even though the biennial is meant to be amazing I didn't take to it. The whole exhibition on show in the semi-derelict shops on Renshaw  Street wasn't as good as I thought it would have been, the randomness of the work was confusing and half of it I didn't understand. It's nice to see a wide range of work in one place but it just wasn't for me.
The piece that I did like was Rosa Barba - Free Post Mersey Tunnels because it was usual and it was interactive to the extent that you could go around it and hear the sounds of the Liverpool underground.

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