Thursday, 5 May 2011

Vaughan Oliver

When I found out that Vaughan Oliver was coming in to talk to us I was curious to see what his work was about and after looking at his work beforehand let's just say I was intrigued I instantly loved what I saw. His abstract images alongside the bright colours make his work unique to him. Two pieces that stood out to me were The Breeders: Pod Promotional Poster and the Pixies Minotaur box set. The promotional poster was just amazing, the colours were bright, attractive alongside an abstract image which just finishes the poster and makes it look beautiful to look at. The fact that the whole poster was done by staging the concept and taking photos just at the right time makes the final outcome more appealing and interesting.

The Pixies Minotaur box set caught my eye more for the book which you got with the set. The book has images in which are contrasting to each other but when placed next to each other they make sense. I really wanted to buy this box set just for the book as I was trying achieve the same effect with my connection project as I was trying to link two different images/objects together unnoticeably. However I didn't buy the book but I did find a book in the library which had similar images. His work challenges advertisers to revisit graphics, illustrations and complex poster work in ways that revitalise narrative, information and product possibility.

I found it interesting to hear how Vaughan creates moods through collaboration, he hand picks photographers for certain projects showing that he knows how to fuse each element together to create a piece of design. I loved how even after all these years Vaughan still speaks passionately about his work. 

Check Vaughan Olivers website out: It's under constuction but you can still view some of his work

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