Tuesday 14 December 2010

Designed Disorder I AND Festival - CUBE Gallery

During October there was an exhibition / festival called Designed Disorder I AND Festival in Manchester, similar to the Liverpool Biennial this exhibition was showcased in various locations over Manchester. I went to the exhibition which was on at the CUBE Gallery on Portland Street.

CUBE presented artists who have 'proposed absurd and practical solutions' to future implications and changes that may occur from a future defined by engineering and science. The exhibition invites you to question the design's potential role in our society, asking if they are probable, potential or preferable.  
This exhibition reveals the ethical and behavioural implications of a future defined by engineering and science . From the recycling of urine into whisky to the simulation of phantom limbs, Designed Disorder radically inquires into how we behave, mass consume, self medicate and travel, making the design of human experience an altogether uncomfortable encounter. 

The work of James Chambers 'Red Goods' is what struck my eye. The meaning behind one of the poster 'Strangle Poise Lamp' is 'Research from the 1960s onwards has repeatedly found that exposure to media violence leads to increased aggression. Red Goods are a range of products which provide surrogacy for aggressive behaviour through our interactions with everyday products.' The way he designed his posters to reflect his ideas is perfect. I love the colour palette and the font chosen. 

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